Monday, October 29, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Six



Two pieces on the "literary fiction" genre:
The frequent aspects of "literary fiction": 
Just how often does literature mention a dog barking in the distance?

Justin Cronin started off as mild mannered literary fiction author, and now has a bestselling horror adventure series: 

I recently began reading The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, about Soviet Union prison camps. Some relevant articles: 
The New York Times excellent posthumous survey of Solzhenitsyn's life and works: #obituary
The Economist looking for those literary dissidents in modern culture:
A tangent on Russian Intellectuals:


Adult friendship isn't always given that much respect... possibly because its seen as optional or expendable: 


Poetry Foundation head editor Christian Wiman writes about terminal cancer, art, and accepting death:  #Dying

A Charismatic Christian's experiences with the devil:

A neurosurgeon recently wrote a book about his claims of experiencing heaven, where he says that the complete lack of scientific evidence is actually all the proof you need. Sam Harris wrote a very satisfying take down.
From the neurosurgeon:
From Sam Harris:

#Urban Exploring

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