Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Expanding Words Volume Three

blandishment (n) a flattering or pleasing statement or action used to persuade someone gently to do something.

bream (n) a greenish-bronze deep-bodied freshwater fish of the minnow family, native to Europe and popular with anglers

crapulous (adj) sickness caused by excessive eating or drinking; excessive indulgence; intemperance.

entente (n) a friendly understanding or informal alliance between states or factions

hemicrania (n) migraine: a severe recurring vascular headache

inimical (adj)  injurious or harmful in effect; adverse: habits inimical to good health; unfriendly; hostile

inchoate (adj) just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary

malfeasance (n) wrongdoing, esp. by a public official

petrine (adj) of, relating to, or characteristic of the apostle Peter or the doctrines associated with his name

recrudescent (adj) the revival of an unfortunate situation after a period of abatement

saturnalia (n) an occasion of wild revelry

stochastic (adj) randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be
analyzed statistically but may not be predicted

tranche (n) a portion of something, esp. money

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