Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Expanding Words Volume Three

blandishment (n) a flattering or pleasing statement or action used to persuade someone gently to do something.

bream (n) a greenish-bronze deep-bodied freshwater fish of the minnow family, native to Europe and popular with anglers

crapulous (adj) sickness caused by excessive eating or drinking; excessive indulgence; intemperance.

entente (n) a friendly understanding or informal alliance between states or factions

hemicrania (n) migraine: a severe recurring vascular headache

inimical (adj)  injurious or harmful in effect; adverse: habits inimical to good health; unfriendly; hostile

inchoate (adj) just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary

malfeasance (n) wrongdoing, esp. by a public official

petrine (adj) of, relating to, or characteristic of the apostle Peter or the doctrines associated with his name

recrudescent (adj) the revival of an unfortunate situation after a period of abatement

saturnalia (n) an occasion of wild revelry

stochastic (adj) randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be
analyzed statistically but may not be predicted

tranche (n) a portion of something, esp. money

Monday, October 29, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Six



Two pieces on the "literary fiction" genre:
The frequent aspects of "literary fiction": 
Just how often does literature mention a dog barking in the distance?

Justin Cronin started off as mild mannered literary fiction author, and now has a bestselling horror adventure series: 

I recently began reading The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, about Soviet Union prison camps. Some relevant articles: 
The New York Times excellent posthumous survey of Solzhenitsyn's life and works: #obituary
The Economist looking for those literary dissidents in modern culture:
A tangent on Russian Intellectuals:


Adult friendship isn't always given that much respect... possibly because its seen as optional or expendable: 


Poetry Foundation head editor Christian Wiman writes about terminal cancer, art, and accepting death:  #Dying

A Charismatic Christian's experiences with the devil:

A neurosurgeon recently wrote a book about his claims of experiencing heaven, where he says that the complete lack of scientific evidence is actually all the proof you need. Sam Harris wrote a very satisfying take down.
From the neurosurgeon:
From Sam Harris:

#Urban Exploring

Monday, October 22, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Five


Really gonna let my nerd show with this one. This is an interview of webcomic phenomenon Homestuck author Andrew Hussie by the author of the Scott Pilgrim series, Brian Lee O'Malley. I've yet to delve into the 5000 page back archive of Homestuck, but I'm well aware of the intense fans thanks to Tumblr:


Not for those who once had a panic attack after watching The Day After Tomorrow (aka this blog author): 


On bullying and the sexual fixation on breasts in the Western world:


Two pieces relating to the new Ben Affleck film Argo, about the CIA taskforce that staged a film company to rescue American hostages from Tehran:
First, the Wired article from 2007 that originally reported the story:

Second, the Slate piece that examines the veracity of the film:

An interview with the director of upcoming film Sassy Pants: #Women in Media


Connecticut legislator reevaluates mental health policy that he implemented in the seventies that now affects his son's life: #Policy

Fat? Healthy? Can it be both? 

The "restorative" powers of the sensory deprivation tank:  


Really beautiful essay on the healing women need in Pakistan:  #Malala


Hillary Mantel's Wolf Hall was one of the best books I've read in 2012. She's revitalizing historical fiction/literature:

I love mixtapes. And reading. This is a mixtape of reading:


Its an article on mixed martial arts that opens with a Karl Marx quote. You want to go to there:


Collection from award winning embedded war photo journalist: #War


The case for outing internet trolls: (see last week's Gawker article revealing the identity of a Reddit contributor)

Psychiatrist Sherry Turkle talking about how the over connectedness of the internet is making us lonelier: #LongListen

Monday, October 15, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Four


Portland based activists have responded to grand jury subpoenas for testifying with silence:

A third Northwest activist jailed for refusing to testify:


A Rothko painting was defaced at Tate by a “rebel” artist:


#Current Events

Deported American veteran now keeps a home for other veterans in Mexico: #Immigration


This author believes she was discounted because she is a woman writing about religion:



Where is the Pakistani condemnation of the Malala shooting?


Short fiction by Mo Yan:

In memory of the late Kingsley Amis:

Essay by Walker Percy on the joys of Bourbon:

Short fiction by Chris Drangle:


Fundamentalist support for Mitt Romney:

Druid biker and Arthur Pendragon Reincarnate:

#Science #Technology

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Two Quotes, Connected Somehow

Under monopoly all mass culture is identical, and the lines of its artificial framework begin to show through. The people at the top are no longer so interested in concealing monopoly: as its violence becomes more open, so its power grows. Movies and radio need no longer pretend to be art. The truth that they are just business is made into an ideology in order to justify the rubbish they deliberately produce.

--from Dialectics of Enlightenment, by Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorn

I said how all purebloods have a hunger, a dissatisfaction in their eyes, xcept for the colonists I had met.
The Abbess nodded. If consumers found fulfillment at any meaningful level, she xtemporized, corpocracy would be finished.

--from Cloud Atlas, by David Mitchell 

Monday, October 8, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Three


The issue with teaching self-expression in place of the mechanics of writing to children:

A series of articles on the supposed fall of the Liberal Arts in America:

The reflection of liberal arts in the pop culture mirror: #LiberalArts #Media

The case for Entrepreneurship as the new Liberal Arts Degree: #LiberalArts #College

I was really into the following article until this paragraph:
Soon [professors], in their hunger for relevance and their penchant for self-indulgence, began teaching books for reasons external to their intrinsic beauty or importance, and attempted to explain history before discovering what actually happened. They politicized psychology and sociology, and allowed African-American studies an even higher standing than Greek and Roman classics. They decided that the multicultural was of greater import than Western culture. They put popular culture on the same intellectual footing as high culture (Conrad or graphic novels, three hours credit either way). And, finally, they determined that race, gender, and social class were at the heart of all humanities and most social science subjects. With that finishing touch, the game was up for the liberal arts.”
Epstein’s apparent inflexibility to the diversifying of the cultural canon to make accords for those who have been historically marginalized and oppressed is just pathetic. He lauds himself as a defender of the liberal arts, but only as far as it extends to the brethren of Dead White Men of the Western World.


What are ethics in the age of instant communication and constant change? #Ethics

The similarities between “extinction” sleep techniques and political torture:  #Parenting 

The Left needs to get it together: #Politics

You're Average, I'm Average, We're All Average.


One feminist is swearing off anymore books about the author's "naughty bits":

Fawzia Koofi is Afghanistan's first woman parliamentary speaker and a serious contender for presidency: (this article is informative but almost frustratingly poorly written/edited.)

Article and accompanying photoset on women priests: #Religion

Most Recommended Read about women in the workplace by feminist/mother/foreign policy expert Anne-Marie Slaughter:

“Men Explain Things to Me”


Casablanca still has its swagger after all this time:

Five lesser-known horror films to give you the willies:



Sarah Lohman’s blog:


New research from Washington University in St. Louis shows dramatic dip in abortion rates among  participants in a free contraceptive program

Summary from Mother Jones:

Summary from Scientific American:

Link to primary source:

Gonorrhea is evolving for the modern day hook up culture:  #Sexuality

TB should probably have its own horror film franchise:

We should fear rabies:

#Literature #Poetry #Comics

Art of Fiction interview with David Mitchell, author of soon-to-be-motion-picture-adapted Cloud Atlas:
Short story by Etgar Keret, the most popular author in Israel: #ShortFiction


Rappers putting pen to paper for memoirs and autobiographies: #Rap

The lead singer of Against Me! recently began touring after her transition, becoming one of the most mainstream trans performers in America:  #Sexuality #Trans

New CD coming from eternally cantankerous Mountain Goats frontman, John Darnielle:


Cargo Cults and other incidental deifications:  

Religion, politics, and intrigue surrounds the volcano of Mt. Merapi in Central Java: #Indonesia

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Expanding Words Volume Two

admixture (n) a mixture; something mixed with something else, typically as a minor ingredient.

cachectic (adj) signs of physical wasting with loss of weight and muscle mass due to disease.

hagiography (n) a biography that idealizes or idolizes the person, typically a saint or other venerated person.

mimesis (n) the imitation or representation of aspects of the sensible world, especially human actions, in literature and art.

pecadillo (n)  a small, relatively unimportant offense or sin.

prelapsarian (adj) characteristic of the time before the Fall of Man; innocent and unspoiled.

recidivist (n) one who relapses into a previous behavior or condition; especially a habitual criminal.

strewth (exp) an expression of surprise or dismay.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"The Mindy Project" Round-Up

Last week, Mindy Kaling's new show, "The Mindy Project," premiered on Fox. This is a Big Deal for Women in the Media, as Kaling is creator, star, and head writer of the tongue in cheek rom-com lampoon of  a show. 2011 had a surge in female-led comedies ("New Girl," "Whitney," "Two Broke Girls") but "The Mindy Project" is different right out of the gate: our heroine is a thirty-something OB-GYN woman of color, while last years shows centered on aimlessly drifting white girls.

Here are some articles on "The Mindy Project," also a #LongListen from NPR, and a piece Kaling wrote for The New Yorker last year about rom-com tropes:

The New Republic asking, where are the female writers?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

LongReads Round Up Volume Two


The Texan who designed for Hermes #Biography #Fashion

The Woman King of Egypt, Hatshepsut: #Biography #Egypt


An argument that our relational duties to other humans should outweigh the validity or invalidity of “blasphemy:” #Religion #Philosophy #CurrentEvents

Religious Lampooning in Cartooning, a brief survey:   #Cartoon #CurrentEvents

Transcript of President Obama’s Sept. 24 UN Speech (that I cried a little during reading): #CurrentEvents #International

#Development #Education

Evaluating Children Sponsorship Programs (primary source): #Development #Aid

Child Sponsorship- the big feel good flack or effective outreach?: #Development #Aid

Education reform that is best for the children: #Development #Education

The dearth of skilled workers in India, and how education isn’t helping the situation: #Education #India


Watching your parents age and the places where they do so: #Essay #Aging

Like an email you’d love to receive: #Essay #Love


Oral Remembrances of early feminist activist Shulamith Firestone:;  #Feminism #Obituary


Charles Kaiser’s afterword from gay rights activist Merle Miller’s new collection of writing, a brief snippet of modern history for the American homosexual: #History #Gay


A great interview with Martin Amis: #Literature

The strange inaccessibility of JK Rowling and her upcoming novel of small parish politics and life: #Literature

Martin Amis’s bromance review of Don Delillo's 2011 short story collection: #Literature

Salman Rushdie writing about George Orwell and the politics of the artist: #Literature #Politics

A revived interview with Ray Bradbury, first begun in the seventies: #Literature #Writing

#Media #Film

You know you’ve made it when your video gets parodied by North Korea: #PSY #Media

[C]omputer-generated imagery has introduced a radical impurity into a motion picture apparatus that, save for the introduction of synchronous sound, remained markedly consistent for a hundred years:” #Film #Technology


What does your beer say about your voting stance:  #Politics


Is the pursuit of happiness making Americans nervous wrecks? #Psychology