Monday, December 10, 2012

The Best-Of Round-Up

I'm currently on a bus trip with my students to Bali, so I can't bring the best of the LongReads for the week. But here are some "Best of 2012" Lists to keep you busy.


The best stand up specials of 2012 from Vulture.


Huffington Post brings the Best "Women's Interest" Articles of 2012... I wish \we would stop divyying up lifestyle interests by gender. If you're of the male persuasion, these articles are very pertinent to you too.


International Business Times has five of the best movies nobody watched.

Entertainment Weekly rounds up the best young adult/child performances of 2012.

Best film moments of 2012 from The Guardian, and over all the Critics Picks of 2012.

Media source Vulture published film critic David Edelstein's favorite films of 2012, and some bonus round ups at the bottom of the article.

From BFI , the top eleven films of 2012.

Zero Dark Thirty has been named Best Film of 2012 by both the New York Film Critics Circle and the National Board Review.


NPR has several Best of Lists going around the site... my favorites are Best Historical Fiction and "Finders Keepers: Books to Hang On To."

New York Times has its annual big fat list of 100 Notable Books of 2012. (May induce overwhelming so many books, so little time anxiety). Also, there is a much more succinct list of the Top Ten Books of 2012, and the Notable Children's Fiction of 2012.

A list with some fresh titles from The Atlantic: Top Five Books and Ten Runner Ups.


From Flavorwire, "The Year in Controversial Album Covers." [NSFW]

Salon brings the best musical numbers in 2012 Television.

For the audiophiles, Spin ranks the 50 Best Albums of 2012.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Eleven


Evaluating welfare programs in Britain that have now lasted an entire lifetime


Community surrounding a woman who embarks on single motherhood


Suzanne Venker’s job is telling other women they shouldn’t have jobs:

Devious straw feminists will burn your bras #comics

Mary Miller has a hard time getting along with women

The panic of women’s issue think pieces, and sexism in journalism


Review of Rust and Bone  about an affair between a kickboxer and a legless orca trainer

New Vinterberg film on small town hysteria and false accusations

El Médico won the New York International Latino Film Festival award for best documentary, about a Cuban doctor who also wants to be a reggae star

Attica Locke on writing for Hollywood vs writing fiction and post racial America


A company in Denmark has developed programs to employ autistic adults for specialized tasks



Ideas for the “traditional bride” to honor her “traditional background”


Publishing off the grid of the mainstream cultural hotspot (is Brooklyn mainstream hip now?)

The “scandal” at the center of Percy’s National Book Award boils down to a misinformed article

I love Kate Zambreno, I love Kate Zambreno, I love Kate Zambreno

Bonus: 50 Queer Writers of Color
Tracking the effects of university literary theory classes in literature

Review of Edmund Love’s 1958 memoir on living on the streets and the eccentric transients of the NYC subway system

The Millions rounds up some of the NYTimes top 100 books and reviews


When Kathleen Hanna mentions Kathy Acker calling her an idiot for being a one dimensional feminist and Hanna owning up and I totally fangirl over it all,88912/

Discovering an extensive collection of recorded performances of the Grateful Dead

Sufjan loves Christmas, has feelings about commercialization, made a GIANT boxed cd set about it

Eighteenth century essay on the transcendence of harpsichord music

Who is the greatest rapper of all time?



Statement from the Archbishop of Canterbury regarding sexual violence against women and the Church's responsibility

Explaining the big step back for progressive religious leadership

What's the queer student at a Christian college to do? Also, underground LGBTQ support groups. (can speak from experience as an ally of the fledgling group at Grove City College, its a rough, less than Christian loving road to inclusion and support)

Church leadership is patriarchal because the Godhead trinity is patriarchal #sexism 

Moderate Muslims are not an exception to the rule


A frequenter of Australian brothels assembles the most memorable exchanges

Roxanne Gay writes about the complicated world of oversexualized children, especially girls


Hacking the cyberwar between Syrian government and revolutionists



Underground supper clubs hosted out of Los Angeles apartments are another evolution of the aging restaurant model

Partaking in the 685 mile dog sled race across Russia’s tundra

Monday, November 26, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Ten


If you’re starting to suspect that the system is built so that women lose no matter what they do, watch out. Thoughts like that may be rational responses to the world how it actually is, but they also lead one down the dark path towards admitting that you are, in fact, a feminist.



Cracking the cipher of a secret society with computer algorithms


One of those “what we took from history isn’t what actually happened” situations- how the mythology of the Cuban Missile Crisis is harming US foreign policy

Rape allegations swallowed up in Chinese bureaucracy

Major powers, including China, are turning on the charm in South East Asia.


Truman Capote's unfinished last novel that might be responsible for destroying his career

Queenan has read approximately six thousand books, and he has strict rules for what he reads next:



Photo series of abandoned world fair structures


Interesting perspective from a Mormon reporter who followed the Romney campaign

What should be the new focus of reform, post health care


From Harper’s, a ranging history of the Bronx Zoo, from its eugenics fascinated founders to present day

If you haven't yet, check out this weekend round-up about workers' conditions and rights in the warehouses that ship for internet omni-retailers. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Omni Retailer Warehouse Workers Conditions Round-Up

Three articles by human rights journalist Mac McClelland for Mother Jones. In the first, she observed a warehouse in Ohio that contracts shipping and handling for an internet omni-retailer. Next, an essay from last Christmas season about the conditions of the workers behind internet shopping. Then in her third article, she worked as a "picker" in a similar factory. She faced physically grueling labor at a meager, though legal wage, with inflexible time management demands and impossible goal targets. She packed a (possibly un-)surprising amount of dildos.

Many of these omni-retailers such as Amazon or Walmart Online contract a third party logistics company to staff and manage the shipping and handling aspect of online shopping. These logistics companies hire on a temp basis, where reaching full hire is a Sisyphean task. Companies can afford to fire temp employees easily and frequently, without even requiring to give a reason, because of the overabundance of unemployed people who are willing to step into the role of exploited worker.

Lehigh Valley, PA's newspaper The Morning Call investigated conditions in Amazon's warehouse, where employees frequently faint in 100 degree heat and are called to mandatory overtime regularly.,0,7937001,full.story 

Huffington Post wrote about warehouses in the Midwest, and how temporary work perpetuates poverty and job instability.

This holiday season, as many of us begin navigating the frenzied waters of sales and markdowns in the name of gift giving, keep in mind the workers you affect from start to finish in your purchases. I'd like to admonish to shop small, local, or independent whenever you can, but I understand the economic privilege that comes from. When you can buy a novel for full sticker price at an independent bookstore, or get a 42% discount and free shipping from an online omni-retailer, I see and feel the financial pressure to be as thrifty as possible. At all times, remember to be an ally and support of workers who are underpaid and overworked and treated as inhuman cogs in the capitalist machine, both in America and around the world.

The Wal-Mart Black Friday strike is just one effort to bring more attention to workers' rights.

Monday, November 19, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Nine


Calling President Obama to end the magical denial of climate change on Capitol Hill


This article ended a year-long column chronicling life after the author’s young son died of cancer.


Ex-Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka are now employed in the garment factory industry

#Female Genital Mutilation

A recent article in The Guardian discussed the oft-secret practices of FGM in Indonesia. As a Peace Corps volunteer in the country, I've been shocked at the revelation. Female circumcision has never been mentioned to me, and was not mentioned in our volunteer training. These are a few articles and studies on FGM in Indonesia:

Historical survey and modern study of FGM, connecting it to practicioners of Islam (instead of cultural practice pre-conversion) 

2003 study completed by Population Council Jakarta in partnership with USAID: 


The push and pull of women’s economic progress: improvement does not mean the battle is finished #feminismaintdeadyet


“Pulp Fiction” seems to mark a change in film culture… for an older generation, the end of great film and for the younger, just the beginning

Comparison of the original “Prometheus” script and the final product, a few plot holes tied up


Essay on food as the gateway to acculturating in the American South


Children who feel no pain. Waiting for this to be adapted into a gritty graphic novel and then subsequently a slightly less gritty film

Sexual health practices in the porn industry, and the law that wants to make all actos wear condoms:

Adult actress Stoya makes the case for refuting the condom law:



A few articles on experimental literature:
A prose poem by experimental writer Bhanu Kapil

His Dark Materials author Phillip Pullman has a new retelling of the Grimm Fairytales


Appreciating this flowchart of the David Petraeus scandal by Gawker

What the generation that is coming of age in America will expect from their government:

Election season can tear apart friendships over party loyalties: #essay


Beautiful collection of celebrations and preparations for Diwali


Using direct deposits for poverty level families, India sees a marked upswing in improved nutrition and quality of living, and a downturn in corruption

Fifteen percent of Americans live below the poverty line, and even more live in a daily struggle to meet monthly needs.


Monday, November 12, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Eight



Evolutionary astrology: #reincarnation



Interview with Glyn Dillon about his new graphic novel and small press publishing:
Three interviews with Theo Ellsworth, author of Capacity and upcoming The Understanding Monster trilogy. His work is partly trippy surrealism, partly exploration of the artistic subconscious, partly reminiscent of my favorite Outsider artist, Adolf Wolfli. Amazing black and white pattern and texture work.
Preview of an ongoing crowd funding project for the graphic novel Elysium, about a social media platform that lets you communicate with your dead loved ones (and causes the apocalypse)

The author was a hitchhiking teen and possibly escaped a serial killer
Rhonda Roby works as a forensic scientist identifying the dead in cold cases, serial murders, and during 9/11



A round up of critiques regarding journalist Nicholas Kristof and the Savior Identity:
Factory labor in Cambodia has all the trappings of unions but no outcomes:
Another critique of development and aid work that uplifts workers to “savior” status:


What a second Obama term means for the rest of the world
The GOP needs an accessible, moderate charmer to reestablish the party… but finding that seems unlikely


Interview with the Rodarte sisters:


Roxanne Gay writes about being a bad feminist:


Could the internet have garnered cult support for the biggest film failure in history?


Traveling to Sichuan to eat the best the region has to offer


David Sedaris goes to the dentist. That’s all you need: #essay
Manipulating soldiers’ diets to fight off depression: #science


The critical theory of the ghost in literature:
Excerpt from a new novel by Jennine Capo Crucet:
Interview with daytime lawyer/part-time author Charles Yu
Charles Yu’s review of IQ84 by Haruki Murakami
The case for David Mitchell’s Black Swan Green to be taught as the new Catcher in the Rye
How publisher and literary taste maker Malcolm Cowley shaped New York
Review of a new collection of Adrienne Rich’s poetry


The frustrations of religious conservatism felt by those who share the religion
The monster of atheism might be “Gawd”
Our economic system needs to be spiritually restored:
An essay from the eighties about the rise of “feminist spirituality,” including goddess worship etc
Thinking about possession and writing:
Alexander Chee writes about Tarot



John Jeremiah Sullivan writes about conservative politics and Kentucky in this 2010 piece #politics
How the eighteen hundreds saw a rise in the panicked belief that the dead were rising #folklore
Essay by Vonnegut about the short-lived Kingdom of Biafra in Africa
Living in the mining villages of Peru #feminism

Monday, November 5, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Seven


New Statesman provides an English translation of the tax evasion charges China is laying against artist Ai Weiwei as a means of suppressing his work: 

August interview with Ai Weiwei about censorship, China, and individual expression:


I’m not Tomine’s biggest fan, but I appreciated what he had to say about the evolving art of cartooning/comics/ illustrating. I’m also a sucker for his “Missed Connections” cover.


New technological frontiers in learning a second language:


When is the human species going to hit its second inflection point? How our species’ success will destroy us. #recommended 


Looking at several new books that deal with gender, feminism, and sexuality (The End of Men, How to Be a Woman, Heroines, This is How You Lose Her) and where we are all losing out in the gender divide:

Two interviews with the author of Heroines, Kate Zambreno (essay-memoir-history-lit-theory hybrid about female modernist authors)
Moore lived in Cambodia and taught university women how to make zines:


Nice completist review of the Coen Brothers’ body of work, from one auteur theory enthusiast to another:

Following the Wachowski siblings’ passion for unique storytelling and the journey of filiming Cloud Atlas:


A tiny island in Greece has one of the longest average lifespans in the world. In many ways the lifestyle reminds me of Indonesia, pre-processed food boom. #longevity


Interview with civil rights activist in China who has fought forced family planning legislation and led class action suits against the Chinese government: 

What countries would be voting for Obama this month?


Specifically, the ethics of found-out plagiarizer and science journalist Jonah Lehrer, But on a grander scale, the state of branded journalism and pop science:

Encounter was a cultural literary arts magazine published out of Britain and covertly funded by the CIA as part of the cold war agenda.

1960s article about the resignation of Encounter editor when he discovered the CIA was funding the publication. (You need a NYTimes subscription to access this article)


Survey of HP Lovecraft’s body of work and how it has influenced culture, and how the internet made all that influence possible. #obituary

Neil Gaiman created the holiday “All Hallows Eve,” a day to encourage children reading “scary” stories. The Millions has a list of recommended reads. #children’s lit #spooky

DT Max wrote this piece in 2009 after DFW’s suicide. Give yourself a good chunk of time to work through and process this thirteen page longread. #biography #DFW #obituary

Ongoing interest in articles dealing with parental aging #photography #dementia

Certain literature is there in times of grieving, heartbreak, and disappointment—but what story can you turn to when you’re mourning the loss of a pet? #grief

James Pogue works out some of his John Jeremiah Sullivan jealousy: #SouthernLit

Series of essays by Rachel Yoder from her collection The Hard Problem: A Guide for the Intergalactic Writer Looking to Mate: #essay


THIS QUOTE: “As demure as she may be, this girl is also intense and out for blood — of Red’s title, Swift said, “All those emotions — spanning from intense love, intense frustration, jealousy, confusion, all of that — in my mind, all those emotions are red.” Not to put too fine a point on it, but in this she echoes another passionate artist constrained by traditional expectations of femininity: Sylvia Plath.”
The tiny echelon of producers and top-liners pumping out all our Top 40 hooks:


Series of photos and quotes from four young Chinese photographers:



Coming to terms with death during the Running of the Bulls:

A tiny span of the Massachusetts coast seems to be a magnet for everything spooky and strange:

A recent visit to post-Fidel Cuba, tentatively developing: #international

Friday, November 2, 2012

The First Throb of Lolita

I first read Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita a few years ago during a film course on screenplay adaptations, in conjunction with studying the 1962 Stanley Kubrick film. Lolita is one of those stories that brings out strong reactions in people; I've never met someone who felt simply "meh" towards it-- people find it either passionately compelling or passionately distasteful.

A few weeks ago when I read this previously rounded-up interview with author Martin Amis, I was struck by his Nabokov reference:

"Nabokov said, 'The first throb of Lolita went through me" when he read an account in a French newspaper of a monkey that had been taught to draw, and all the drawing consisted of were the bars of its cage. That was Lolita."
-Martin Amis, "Martin Amis: Redux" via The Morning News

And I went on the hunt for the primary source of that story. It's from an essay Nabokov wrote in 1959 for Encounter (with its own fascinating back story, being an Anglo-American intellectual/cultural magazine that was covertly funded by the CIA to suppress cold war neutralism. Tangent. Links to come in the next Round Up). He writes that the story had no textual influence on the story, but something about the shiver of emotions the newspaper story invoked sparked his early drafts. Similarly, the desperation of the monkey drawing his own cage struck me, and I found myself looking for that same desperation in the novel.

Nabokov's essay, "On a Book Entitled Lolita" :

Amongst the internet hunting, I also found this essay from Chicago Reader about the original draft of Nabokov's story, originally titled The Enchanter : . I especially enjoy the comparison of the opening lines from the first draft and the published novel.

"'How can I come to terms with myself?' he thought, when he did any thinking at all. 'This cannot be lechery. Coarse carnality is omnivorous; the subtle kind promises eventual satiation.'"

versus the now famous opening lines of Lolita

"Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta." 


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Expanding Words Volume Three

blandishment (n) a flattering or pleasing statement or action used to persuade someone gently to do something.

bream (n) a greenish-bronze deep-bodied freshwater fish of the minnow family, native to Europe and popular with anglers

crapulous (adj) sickness caused by excessive eating or drinking; excessive indulgence; intemperance.

entente (n) a friendly understanding or informal alliance between states or factions

hemicrania (n) migraine: a severe recurring vascular headache

inimical (adj)  injurious or harmful in effect; adverse: habits inimical to good health; unfriendly; hostile

inchoate (adj) just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary

malfeasance (n) wrongdoing, esp. by a public official

petrine (adj) of, relating to, or characteristic of the apostle Peter or the doctrines associated with his name

recrudescent (adj) the revival of an unfortunate situation after a period of abatement

saturnalia (n) an occasion of wild revelry

stochastic (adj) randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be
analyzed statistically but may not be predicted

tranche (n) a portion of something, esp. money

Monday, October 29, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Six



Two pieces on the "literary fiction" genre:
The frequent aspects of "literary fiction": 
Just how often does literature mention a dog barking in the distance?

Justin Cronin started off as mild mannered literary fiction author, and now has a bestselling horror adventure series: 

I recently began reading The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, about Soviet Union prison camps. Some relevant articles: 
The New York Times excellent posthumous survey of Solzhenitsyn's life and works: #obituary
The Economist looking for those literary dissidents in modern culture:
A tangent on Russian Intellectuals:


Adult friendship isn't always given that much respect... possibly because its seen as optional or expendable: 


Poetry Foundation head editor Christian Wiman writes about terminal cancer, art, and accepting death:  #Dying

A Charismatic Christian's experiences with the devil:

A neurosurgeon recently wrote a book about his claims of experiencing heaven, where he says that the complete lack of scientific evidence is actually all the proof you need. Sam Harris wrote a very satisfying take down.
From the neurosurgeon:
From Sam Harris:

#Urban Exploring

Monday, October 22, 2012

LongReads Round-Up Volume Five


Really gonna let my nerd show with this one. This is an interview of webcomic phenomenon Homestuck author Andrew Hussie by the author of the Scott Pilgrim series, Brian Lee O'Malley. I've yet to delve into the 5000 page back archive of Homestuck, but I'm well aware of the intense fans thanks to Tumblr:


Not for those who once had a panic attack after watching The Day After Tomorrow (aka this blog author): 


On bullying and the sexual fixation on breasts in the Western world:


Two pieces relating to the new Ben Affleck film Argo, about the CIA taskforce that staged a film company to rescue American hostages from Tehran:
First, the Wired article from 2007 that originally reported the story:

Second, the Slate piece that examines the veracity of the film:

An interview with the director of upcoming film Sassy Pants: #Women in Media


Connecticut legislator reevaluates mental health policy that he implemented in the seventies that now affects his son's life: #Policy

Fat? Healthy? Can it be both? 

The "restorative" powers of the sensory deprivation tank:  


Really beautiful essay on the healing women need in Pakistan:  #Malala


Hillary Mantel's Wolf Hall was one of the best books I've read in 2012. She's revitalizing historical fiction/literature:

I love mixtapes. And reading. This is a mixtape of reading:


Its an article on mixed martial arts that opens with a Karl Marx quote. You want to go to there:


Collection from award winning embedded war photo journalist: #War


The case for outing internet trolls: (see last week's Gawker article revealing the identity of a Reddit contributor)

Psychiatrist Sherry Turkle talking about how the over connectedness of the internet is making us lonelier: #LongListen