Wednesday, March 13, 2013

LongReads Round-Up Volume Fifteen

What!? It's been nearly a month since my last update? How did this happen?


Owls are so hot right now


Louis CK and modern comedy


Indonesia has one of the worst education systems in the world

Some Christian homeschoolers want to study evolution, don't believe Adam rode dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden


Political commentator Zerlina Maxwell recently went on Sean Hannity's show to promote educating boys and men about consent and rape culture. Since then she has received death and rape threats from men and women who don't believe there is a need for educating men about stopping rape. Two pieces: a response to harassment on xoJane, and Maxwell's points on education on Ebony

Margo St. James was a seventies pioneer in protecting the rights of sex workers and providing health care services to them. Her thoughts on minority criminalzation and feminism after forty years


Has the Hollywood machine squashed inventive storytelling in modern film? Short answer- yes


Buying drugs on the internet:

The pharmaceutical/insurance/medical complex is exploiting all of us

#In France

Gerard Depardieu, French icon, is changing citizenship to escape new super taxes


How language affects our concept of time and saving:


Academic texts need to be as well written as entertainment pieces

An account of a symposium on the works of Allen Ginsberg

Making me very excited to read more George Saunders

A new collection of fairy tales shows male characters getting the same kind of torments Sleeping Beauty and Snow White found themselves in

A hundred years of women writing about their feelings and being told they're frivolous

Two of Renata Adler's books are back in publication

Italian author Francesco Pacifico writing about sex, purity, and Catholicism in his new novel


Nina Simone's activism through music

All Hail Queen Beyonce


Is Marco Rubio the answer for Republicans?

About the (lack of) training a member of the Foreign Service receives:

Ways Obama wants to model after Germany:


A woman documents scenes of spousal abuse and then is reamed in a misreported article:


The Pope's butler did it!


Its possible that a big part of the Republican loss in the presidential campaign was due to out of date or totally absent social networking and tech base

After reading this article, I had a nightmare about a teenage boy watching me through my webcam

Bring on the modified chicken blobs!


After mainlining two seasons of Homeland, I assuredly agree with this

Are all the heroines of modern TV crazy? and my response:


A skeptical trip to Disney World in the seventies:

#War on Terror

An early piece from The Atlantic about preemptive arrests and thought crime

On NDAA and domestic terrorism:

The CIA wrongly captured and tortured a man as a terror suspect