Friday, September 20, 2013

Expanding Words Volume Five

Alembic (n) an apparatus consisting of two vessels connected by a tube, formerly used for distilling liquids.

Anchoritic (adj) characterized by ascetic solitude

Aposteme (n) an abscess; a swelling filled with purulent matter

Arteriosclerosis (n) the thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries, occurring typically in old age.

Ataxic (adj) lacking motor coordination

Bonze (n) Buddhist monk

Catafalque (n) a decorated wooden framework supporting the coffin of a distinguished person during a funeral or while lying in state.

Cibation (n) the process or operation of feeding the contents of the crucible with fresh material in alchemy

Corium (n) dermis

Coterminous (adj) having the same boundaries or extent in space, time, or meaning.

Decumbiture (n) confinement to a sick bed, or time of taking to one's bed from sickness

Dorcus (n) stag beetle

Electuary (n) a medicinal substance mixed with honey or another sweet substance.

Eschatology (n) the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of  humankind

Fossorial (adj) adapted for or used in burrowing or digging

Fremescent (adj)  becoming murmurous, roaring

Fustian (n) 1. thick, durable twilled cloth with a short nap, usually dyed in dark colors. 2. pompous or pretentious speech or writing

Hagioscope (n) in architecture, an opening through the wall of a church in an oblique direction

Hebetude (n) the state of being dull or lethargic.

Helicoids (n) an object of spiral or helical shape.

Imbroccata (n) a thrust with the hand pronated

Imprimatur (n) an official license by the Roman Catholic Church to print an ecclesiastical or religious book.

Insalubrious (adj) Not promoting health; unwholesome

Internecine (adj) destructive to both sides in a conflict.

Lachrymose (adj) tearful or given to weeping.

Lambent (adj) glowing, gleaming, or flickering with a soft radiance.

Majolica (n) earthenware covered with an opaque tin glaze and decorated on the glaze before firing

Malaprop (n) the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one

Mystagogue (n) a teacher or propounder of mystical doctrines

Opprobrium (n) harsh criticism or censure

Parure (n) a set of jewels intended to be worn together.

Peripetia (n) a sudden reversal of fortune or change in circumstances

Pluperfect (adj) more than perfect; supremely accomplished; ideal

Predicant (adj) of or relating to preaching

Prevaricate (v) speak or act in an evasive way.

Primogeniture (n) the firstborn child

Proboscidean (n) order of large mammals including the elephants and mastodons

Satrap (n) a provincial governor in the ancient Persian empire.

Self-abnegation (n) the denial or abasement of oneself.

Somatization (n) the production of recurrent and multiple medical symptoms with no discernible organic cause.

Sonorous (adj) imposingly deep and full.

Stultify (v) cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, esp. as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine.

Suzerainty (n) occurs where a region or people is a tributary to a more powerful entity which controls its foreign affairs

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