Thursday, January 24, 2013

Expanding Words Volume Four

allocution (n) particular or special way of speaking

antediluvian (adj) of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood

beldame (n) a hag; an ugly, evil looking woman

comity (n) courtesy and considerate behavior toward others

coprophagy (n) the eating of feces or dung

dromedary (n) an Arabian camel, esp. one of a light and swift breed trained for riding or racing.

dybbuk (n) (in Jewish folklore) a malevolent wandering spirit that enters and possesses the body of a living person until exorcized

ecumenism (n) the principle or aim of promoting unity among the world's Christian churches.

gelid (adj) icy; extremely cold.

guanxi (n) (in China) the system of social networks and influential relationships that facilitate business and other dealings.

interregnum (n) a period when normal government is suspended, esp. between successive reigns or regimes; a lapse or pause in continuity.

ipseity (n) selfhood; individual identity.

jeremiad (n) a long, mournful complaint or lamentation; a list of woes

polonaise (n) a stately, marchlike Polish dance, primarily a promenade by couples.

proscenium (n) the part of a theater stage in front of the curtain.

ratiocination (n) the process of exact thinking; reasoning

soteriology (n) the doctrine of salvation

termagant (n) a harsh-tempered or overbearing woman.

usury (n) the lending of money with an interest charge for its use; especially : the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates

vituperative (adj) bitter and abusive.

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