apparatchik (n) an official in a large organization, typically political. derogatory- member of a party apparat.
cicerone (n) a guide who gives information about antiquities and places of interest to sightseers.
euphony (n) the quality of being pleasing to the ear, especially through a harmonious combination of words.
felicific (adj) relating to or promoting increased happiness.
folderol (n) trivial or nonsensical fuss.
indexicality (n) in pragmatics and linguistics, the features of a language that refer directly to the circumstances or context in which the utterance takes place.
obstreperous (adj) noisy and difficult to control.
scrofulous (adj) of, relating to, or affected with scrofula. having a diseased, run-down appearance; morally contaminated.
tsuris (n) trouble or woe; aggravation.